My mom and sister call a "just because" gift a Happy. Who doesn't love a Happy! And in a world full of technology, who doesn't love getting something the old fashioned way: the good ol' parcel post. I love to go to the mailbox and find a card or note. When the boys and I checked the mail yesterday, RaRa had surprised the boys with a Happy. And happy it made them. Rachel let me know ahead of time to be expecting it but didn't tell me what it was, just that it was a "total Martha" gift. And that it was - a chef hat and apron just their size! It's something I would have never ever thought to buy them but something they got such a kick out of. To be honest, it really didn't matter what it was. It was a surprise. In the mail. From RaRa. It very well could have been a pile of poo and they wouldn't have cared. :)
Don't know if you can tell, but Mackey is saying, "COOOOOL."
(Dear Santa, do you see these pictures? I need a camera pronto!)
Of course my boys are just that - BOYS - and the first thing they thought to "cook" with their chef attire was...
what else but mud pies! And yes, a tractor and dump truck are necessities when you're "cooking" mud pies. AND making mud coffee.
"HEE, mama, want some?"
"No, fuh weal, HAH SOME!"
Many thanks, Martha! You made their day. I promise to put them to use for their real purpose - although I can't promise it won't be homemade playdough! ;) Thanks for always thinking of us. You're one of the most thoughtful people I know. We love you so very much, and my children are so blessed to have you in their lives! Oh, and when it was bath time and they had to take them off, they headed straight for their safety spots - so you know they rock!
Happy Friday! I'll close with this shout-out to RaRa:
To cute!!So glad you sent them to me on my phone, they made the background for it!Loves you!
What can I say? They are my baby boys! I love them SO very much. Thanks for the post; you just made my whole weekend! :0) See ya'll soon. I am counting down the days.
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