Pinch me. There's no way this little girl
is celebrating her Sweet 16 today.
Oh but she is.
Sixteen years ago today (at 7:47 a.m. to be exact) my baby girl came into this world and my life was forever changed. Babies tend to do that, especially since I was a baby too. We've both done a lot of growing up over the past 16 years. She was a little thing, weighing 6 lb. 14 oz., 19 inches long - the smallest of my loves. She had the most beautiful round head. Her due date was November 22 but I was thankful she didn't make me wait. I remember that day like it was yesterday. My mom made a breakfast food for dinner that night then had gone to choir. When she got home I told her I was feeling some discomfort. I said, "How will I know?" She said, "When you can time the pain. And you'll just know." Well, I just knew. We timed them for a while then decided to call my aunt who lived half way between Selma (where I lived) and Birmingham (where my doctor was). After talking to Kay we decided we would head to her house for a quick check to make sure I was actually in labor before going to the hospital. So with regular contractions every few minutes, mom and I headed to Kay's house. Once there she determined that yes ma'am, I was indeed in labor. It was early, though, so we had plenty of time. She showered, I put on make-up between contractions. She and mom gave me the nickname "Thumper" because every time I had a contraction I would thump my foot. :)
We made it to the hospital around midnight. It took a while but I finally got comfortable with the epidural and slept. I seemed to stay at 3 cm FOREVER. My nurse checked me at 6-something and I was still 3. One hour later she checked me again and I was at 10. Whoa! That's progress. It was time.
They told me to be patient that I may have to push for a couple of hours. HA! Whatever. I knew that wasn't gonna fly. I am not that patient. Six pushes and 15 minutes later and we all heard that sweet first cry. Which almost instantly was drowned out by all our cries. Ha! :)
What a gift this precious soul is to me and everyone who loves her - there are a lot of us. She's beautiful. Intelligent. A bit sassy at times. Quick-witted. Loyal. Loves Jesus and has a giving heart. She loves music - hates it if you learn the words to a song before she does. She loves talking about memories. We have a lot of those. She's a momma's girl. And I'm so proud to be her momma.
I found more baby pictures I don't think I've ever posted so here's your warning for picture overload. Because you can never have too many.
This was actually her 2nd Christmas. Um, she didn't like him. |
First smash cake. Now that she did like. :) |
She always loved sink baths |
Pickle face |
Sweet cheeks |
One of the many Graystone birthdays |
This one cracks me up. |
Do you see her? :) |
Sweet Sissy |
And now look at her...
Post on all the birthday festivities to come.
We're not done yet. |
Happy Sweet 16, baby girl. I love you so very much!
wow..what a sweet post. you forgot about the part where you passed me by sonic and told me you were in labor!! oh my word. how crazy! what a beautiful girl she my friend, did good. you did real good! I think you deserve a celebration in honor of you...the job you have done as a mommy at such a young age. you are one great mama! I love you!!!
Gosh how did 16 years fly by! And yes ma'am Shea is right you did GOOD, well GREAT!!! She is beautiful and I know she is so proud to have and call you MOMMA!! Can't wait to hear all about the celebrations!
ps--will you add your email here so you can reply to my post and we can chitty chat ;) I have some things to say...
Ahhhhhh!! I cry.
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