Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Afternoons with Reid

With Grant and Mac spending so much time in the woods with Chris, it leaves a lot of time for me to spend with my littlest guy. Some of that time can be a bit trying as Turbo is going through a testing phase. He tests my limits and my patience on a daily basis. Like the other day, for example, when B and I had gone to look in the freezer in the storage room. He was holding one of the freezers open. As we were leaving the storage room to go back inside I said, "Come on, Reid. Close the freezer."
He looked at me and said, "YOU close the freezer," and stood there with it open.

I stood for a minute in shock looking at B asking if those words really just came out of his mouth.

In case you're wondering, yes, he's still breathing. haha :)

Needless to say those moments require discipline and tough love is... well, it's tough. He's also the baby. Which for some reason makes it even tougher.

Grant and Mac's bible verse this week is:

My dear brothers and sisters, pay attention to what I say.
Everyone should be quick to listen, but they should be
slow to speak. They should be slow to get angry.
James 1:19

I think Reid and I both stand to learn valuable lessons from that verse during this Turbo-Testing phase. 

However, thankfully the trying times don't outweigh nor overshadow the good ones. There are a few weeks left in the hunting season, so hopefully there will be many more games of Uno, Zingo, Operation, and Perfection.

As well as more impromptu guitar solos
Followed by lots of belly laughs.

1 comment:

Ford Family said...

I can't imagine that sweet face testing you!