Friday, August 20, 2010


The moment Reid came into this world my first thought when I looked at him was, “He looks just like Grant.” I thought that might change, but to me the older he gets the more he looks like his big brother. He will even see pictures of Grant as a baby and say, “Aww, wook at me.” It's amazing to me how two brothers can look so much alike while one looks completely different. But Mac was rightfully named. Mac is short for McHugh, Chris' mom's maiden name, and boy is he FULL of McHugh - in SO many ways! :) 

Halloween is a big deal at our house. We love it! Every year around this time the boys and I will sit around the computer and scour the internet for costume ideas. Yesterday when a rain shower moved us indoors, we did just that. We came across a pirate costume, and Reid wanted it right then. Reid being the Turbo he is didn't understand why we couldn't go to the "computer store" and get it. Thankfully I remembered  where Grant's old pirate costume was. As soon as he put it on, the pictures of Grant wearing the same costume popped in my head. Grant was the same age as Reid when he wore it. When I compared the pictures it confirmed to me yet again how much they favor.
Grant - 3 years old:

And here's Turbo - the hat's not on quite right but, you know, Reid knows everything.

And just for nostalgia:

I say it all the time, and it sounds so cliche but... WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?

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