We had some special guests last week - the Hamricks. We only get to see them about once a year (maybe twice if we're lucky), and we enjoy each visit more than the last. Kevin, Chris' brother, and his three precious children, Anna, Sophie and Jackson, made it down for a couple of days of culture-shock. The kids live in Chicago, and they are in awe every time they're here of how different things are in the South. Sophie (she's the middle one so you know I'm kinda partial) is a doll. She absolutely loves that we can buy sweet tea by the gallon, that we have pink hot dogs, and that Winn Dixie stores are real. :) Anna is the oldest and wise beyond her years. She's an all-around beautiful person. She loves how we say "yes ma'am" and "no ma'am" and "yes sir" and "no sir" and that's it's considered disrespectful if you don't. She also discovered she likes fried green tomatoes. And Jackson, well I think Jackson is just fine no matter where he is. He's easy-going, happy-go-lucky and a joy to be around. I love catching up with Kevin when I get to spend some time with him, but Chris likes to steal him for himself. I can't blame him, though. I could not imagine seeing one of my sisters only once a year.
We had some really good laughs. Visits with them are so easy, lovely, and pleasant. We're already looking forward to the next one.
This picture cracks me up. It was Anna's first time to drive a four-wheeler. She was definitely a little green behind the wheel, and Sophie was a nervous wreck:
Everything was okay until she had a minor collision with one of Chris' trailers. It was oh-so minor, and we all got a good laugh out of it. But if you know Grant (who his RaRa calls The Professor because he's always so serious), you know he was already biting his nails. Well, after the trailer incident, he decided this was how it should be:
And she was perfectly okay with it. As was Jackson.
My baby girl has been in Auburn this week at cheer camp. Monday night was their home pom competition. Me, the boys and Meems headed to, in Martha's words, "God's Country" :) where we met up with Martha and the girls, Sandra and Anna. I was so impressed with their squad. I knew they would be good, but I didn't realize just how good. Obviously I'm a bit partial, but they really do deserve to win. They've worked their tails off getting ready for this. It paid off because they were awesome. And the Varsity squad, oh my! They too deserve to win. I'm anxious for Thursday to get here to see if they do.
Bethany has had a little taste of freedom this week, and she is living it up! This is her very first time away for something like this. In her own words, "Mom, I'm not gonna wanna leave this place!" :)
She's going to kill me for this one, but I thought it was cute how she and Country Girl were so excited as they were walking in:
Almost immediately after the competition, all the cheerleaders had to meet center-court to review what they learned that day.

Might we one day hear the words "War Eagle" cross her lips??
So proud of you, baby girl! Much love!