Thursday, May 10, 2012

Happy 8

William Grant Norton, you changed us forever 8 years ago today. You were the first boy in our family, your daddy's first son. We couldn't wait to meet you although you made us wait. Practically ALL day until 5:39 p.m. ;) You're still like that today in that you don't get in a hurry about much.
You are intelligent, inquisitive (you will ask questions as long as someone will answer them), kind-hearted, protective, loyal, a good friend, a lover of chocolate. You enjoy playing baseball, swimming, deer hunting, fishing, and playing outside with your brothers. You are Mr. Follow-the-Rules. Wonder if that will last?!? ;) You are a sweet, precious soul. You have all our hearts.

Some pictures from your birth day:
Not so patiently awaiting your arrival
Y & R must have been on :)
The grandmothers, Sissy and Gaga
FINALLY!!! 7 lb. 11 oz. of pure handsomeness
Big Mama was exhausted :)
I don't think he could believe he was a daddy
First bottle
Love the way B is looking at him
Happy 8th Birthday, Professor! We love you!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Now this is a sweet post! 8 years old, how is that possible?!! I was counting the candles on his gooey bars and thought for sure there was a mistake with the candles!! Happy Birthday handsome Professor Grant!!