Monday, May 14, 2012

Twinsies... a few more blasts from the past

I have so many posts to catch up on (even as far back as Easter) but can't seem to carve out the time.

So as not to completely let this little blog fall by the wayside I thought I'd post a few more pictures in the bunch I thought were long gone.

The minute Reid came into the world Chris and I both looked at each other and said, "He's Grant's twin." To this day they very much favor each other, especially now with Reid's "big boy" hair cut. Sometimes I have to do a double take.
They were SO excited to be having their picture taken
These next two are of each of them taking their first tub bath in the same little infant tub. Excuse the nakedness. :)
Is it just me? If Reid's picture weren't dated I would probably have a hard time telling them apart. Well, the back splash would give it away. We moved into a new house with the birth of each little Norton boy. Yes, we were crazy. But we kept outgrowing our houses. ;)
A few more...
And then there's Mac... who was rightfully named.
That boy is ALL McHugh! :)
Happy days
Claire and Mary Lou (a/k/a Maggie and Grace) with B at her dance recital
Sweet Baby Reid 
I have had the best time looking back through these pictures. I'm sure many more will be finding their way here.

I hope your Mother's Day was special. Mine was. I spent the weekend with all my loves. How could it not be... Blessed

A little funny - in honor of all you moms - and just because it made me laugh (and also sometimes the way I feel):

Happy Monday. :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Happy 8

William Grant Norton, you changed us forever 8 years ago today. You were the first boy in our family, your daddy's first son. We couldn't wait to meet you although you made us wait. Practically ALL day until 5:39 p.m. ;) You're still like that today in that you don't get in a hurry about much.
You are intelligent, inquisitive (you will ask questions as long as someone will answer them), kind-hearted, protective, loyal, a good friend, a lover of chocolate. You enjoy playing baseball, swimming, deer hunting, fishing, and playing outside with your brothers. You are Mr. Follow-the-Rules. Wonder if that will last?!? ;) You are a sweet, precious soul. You have all our hearts.

Some pictures from your birth day:
Not so patiently awaiting your arrival
Y & R must have been on :)
The grandmothers, Sissy and Gaga
FINALLY!!! 7 lb. 11 oz. of pure handsomeness
Big Mama was exhausted :)
I don't think he could believe he was a daddy
First bottle
Love the way B is looking at him
Happy 8th Birthday, Professor! We love you!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

To end the week...

It's that time again. Time for Thunder Beach. Time for a weekend away with the hubs sans kiddos. I am so so excited and am ready for a breather.

It always does Chris and me good to get away and reconnect, but we also miss the kids as soon as we pull out of the driveway. Staying at Emerald Coast, being and going in and around all the places we usually go as a family makes us miss them all the more.

We get over it. Don't worry. HAHA!

Since I always get a little sentimental leaving them (although they are being left in the very capable hands of Jack and Big D) I thought I would end the week with a little trip down memory lane.
Bethany and Chris with Grant on his birth day
Professor wasn't a thumb sucker but would find it now and then
as a baby - look at those sweet cheeks
Sprinkler fun
More sweet cheeks - Mac will get me for this one day ;)
Love this one
Sissy during her Superior Cheer days
She looks like such a baby :(
Belly pic at 8 months with Reid - terrible quality but I'm so glad
I have it. I'm still amazed our bodies are able to do that.
Sweet Baby Reid
There are many more where those came from. I thought I lost all of those treasures between moves and crashed computers. Apparently I didn't give myself enough credit. I had transferred them to CDs and found them tucked away in a filing bin when cleaning out the office not too long ago. What a blessing! We've had the best time looking through all of them.

Time to pack. Happy Day!! :)